What a Team-Based Approach Looks Like

by Jeremy Walter

As a company, we as advisors work together as one team.  Some clients realize this, others may not – and even though there is a lead advisor responsible for each relationship we have, the whole team is working together behind the scenes as a team to provide that level of service.

This is relatively unique in our industry, and I wanted to call attention to it because I feel it delivers a lot of value to each advisor and ultimately to the client we’re serving.

Practically, this means each one of us has to lay our pride and any selfishness aside and not be a lone ranger.  We don’t have separated books of business.  We formally meet every Monday as a team to discuss each planning case and review each meeting we have coming up, as well as informally during the week as other topics come up.  When clients call in, multiple team members are familiar with the case and can answer questions even if the lead advisor isn’t available.

Why do we do this?  For a number of reasons.  Chief of which, we believe that there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors (Prov. 15:22).  Combined, the advisory team has 55 years of industry experience (20, 10, 10, 7, 8).  That’s significant.  Additionally, we each have different perspectives and specialties within the planning realm – all framed by what we believe the Bible has to say about general money principles.  It also is a great way of learning from each other, and as we continue to bring new team members on they are able to see how we operate and learn new technical or biblical skills within the advice we give to clients.

This makes for a significantly better client experience – from both the prompt service of multiple team members and multiple perspectives mentioned above, as well as a confidence that we are placing their interests before the individual interest of a singular advisor and holding each other as an advisory team to that.

Speaking from a personal perspective – I regularly rely on Ron’s holistic planning perspective, Curtis’ technical planning skills, Ryan’s insurance experience, and Jim’s expertise in Medicare planning and annuities.  Without each of these team members, I’m less effective as an advisor.  With them, I’m equipped to better serve and advise each client relationship I’m personally leading.

So next time you’re chatting with one of our advisors, know that a lot of the conversation you’re being a part of was influenced by more than the person sitting in front of you.  We feel this is better for the business and, again, ultimately a better client experience.