Biblical Wisdom for Uncertain Times

By Ron Bare

Uncertainty is a certainty in this world, and if you don’t believe me, turn on the news. This year alone has been filled with plenty of uncertainty – an assassination attempt, war in the Middle East, war in Ukraine, an election, and I could go on.

Uncertainty is inevitable and unpredictable, so how can we prepare for it? What is a biblical understanding of uncertainty? I believe that the Bible provides valuable guidance on this topic. Several biblical principles have guided me in my thinking about uncertainty.

First, in Matthew 7, we read about the wise man who built his house on solid ground to protect against rain and storms. He didn’t know when the rain and storms would come or what they would be like, but he knew they would certainly come, and he prepared for them.

Part of building on solid ground involves significant planning. Luke 14:28 reminds us of the importance of planning our finances. Here at Bare, we listen to your story, values, and goals and then create a personal financial plan for each client. Why? We know that each situation is different, and we want to do our best to set each client up for success in both the good and the challenging times.

Plan as we may, we know disaster still strikes. Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 reminds us of this: “…you do not know what disaster will come.” Notice that it doesn’t say, “you do not know if disaster will come.” Between cash, real estate, equities, and businesses, plans will go awry. Wisdom reminds us that things will be difficult.

In light of difficult times, I’m grateful for a passage in 2 Corinthians that shares a real-life story of generosity in uncertain times. The Macedonians experienced severe poverty, but continued to give generously. 2 Cor 8:2-3 reads, “In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.” How incredible would it be to follow in that testimony even in times of uncertainty or poverty?

Uncertainty and difficult times can be stressful and disheartening. But what if through it all we could think long-term and stay optimistic? I know, it is not an easy ask. It’s much easier to let the weight of uncertainty cloud our vision. Suddenly, short-term investments or other shortcuts seem like a good option, and we hear messages like “this time is different.” Don’t be fooled; don’t let uncertainty cloud your vision. Continue to hold to your financial plan, seek wisdom from the Bible, and remember “there is nothing new under the sun.” Eccl. 1:9. Staying the course in this area will pay off.

Fear can accompany these feelings of stress, but the parable of the talents in Matthew 25 has spoken to this and helped to ground me. Jesus begs us to remember that we are not the owner of our resources, but rather a steward tasked with working and investing to grow what has been entrusted to us.

As stewards, God has not given us the ability to know the future, and I am honestly glad He has not. We must rely on Him for the future, trusting the teachings that He has graciously revealed to us that guide us toward faithful stewardship. Let us build our lives on solid ground and trust the future to His hands.

At Bare, we encourage you to think in a way that we describe as “beyond abundance.” This is a posture of confidence in God acknowledging that He can richly provide for us beyond what we need so that we can generously share with others. A “beyond abundance” way of living offers freedom and opportunities to live a life of fullness; to impact the world far beyond what we could hope or imagine.

When I experience the uncertainty of our world, I am filled with gratitude for God, who has given us biblical teachings to guide us in the midst of it all. Consider how it might impact your life if you built your life on solid ground, planned your finances with wise counsel, diversified, gave generously, stayed optimistic, and remembered who the true owner is. Let’s live beyond abundance together!