Year of Increase – Creating a Vision for our Resources
February 10, 2025
by Ron Bare
Have you ever met a visionary? Maybe you’re one yourself. I’m talking about that person who seems to have endless ideas, always sees the big picture, and is always trying to fit 100 pounds into a 50-pound bag. Though our visionary friends do have some drawbacks, I’m convinced they bring something to the table that each of us can learn from.
This valuable trait that visionaries have is simply having a vision and being able to look beyond the current moment. Here at Bare, we often refer to our vision as “Beyond Abundance.” When we look down the road 5, 20, or 50 years into the future, what we hope for our clients is not that they’ve become rich, but that they’ve lived a rich and full life. We pray that our clients have been blessed beyond their basic needs, and that they have served others with their abundance. We also pray that our clients have taken a good, long look at their resources and considered how they might bring an increase to them for the good of others.
How can we ensure that at the end of our life, we’ve done this well? Investing and growing our finances, time, and resources is no small feat, but it is worth it! Ephesians 3:20 and 2 Corinthians 9 both remind us of this reality – that when we sow, we reap. As you take a look at your life, what has God placed in your hands? How can you invest and grow the resources that God has given to you? What kind of impact can your resources have on others?
We can talk about these principles all day, but it’s crucial to take time to nail down what this actually looks like in your life. We want to intentionally create a vision for our resources, and vision first begins with inventory. To aid in this process, we’ve crafted the Beyond Abundance Inventory Sheet. This tool helps us think about exactly what resources God has given to us and how we can bring an increase to them for His glory.
The first resource on the inventory sheet is our financial resources. Whether a salary, an inheritance, or ownership of a business, financial resources are easy to see. After we know what financial resources we have, we can consider giving, investing, or planning how our business can serve others. These resources are so tangible, but certainly not all there is.
Intellectual resources might include a high school or college education. They might include a specific skill that you are trained in, or unique experience that you have. They may even include financial literacy. These are the kinds of gifts that are important to continue investing in, and as learning continues, are important to pass on to others through teaching and apprenticeship.
Relational or social resources come in the form of people. You’ve heard it said before: who you know is often more important than what you know. Many of you know this principle to be true because you’ve lived it. One of my favorite ways to watch networks serve the community is through banding together to solve a problem. Often, one person or organization does not have all of the solutions to a problem, but when networks work together, things get done. How can you work with others to solve big problems?
We also believe spiritual resources are critical. It is such a gift to be able to live in a time and place in history where spiritual resources are easy to access – whether a church, pastor, or our Bible. Going one step further and inviting others to join in is where true transformation happens.
The last category on the Beyond Abundance Inventory Sheet is physical resources. This includes those tangible things – housing, food, and clothing. Though many of us are blessed, many of our neighbors are under-resourced in this area. How can we use our physical resources to come alongside them? Whether buying properties and renting them at fair rates or donating food to food banks, there are plenty of ways to serve.
At Bare, we believe that stewardship and generosity are important. That’s why our impact statement highlights these two ideas: through intentional stewardship and extravagant generosity, we help generous people shift the culture and change the world for the glory of God. Would you join us on this mission? We’d love to have you!