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Mid-Year Review
July 2, 2018by Curtis Burkholder
As we have reached the midpoint of 2018, it’s a good time to stop and reflect on the first half of the year and look ahead to the remaining six months. The New Year brings clear vision of goals and plans but often we lose sight of these intentions as the year goes on. However, if we want to see them become a reality, it’s important to review them before we reach the end of the year.
Our theme this year at Bare Wealth Advisors is a “Year of Purpose”. An important part of successfully doing things with purpose is to pause and evaluate the current state of our life. Our mission at Bare Wealth Advisors is to advise clients to intentionally manage their wealth in a way that aligns with their God-given purpose. Intentional means “done on purpose; deliberate”. To intentionally manage something implies there has to be an end goal one is trying to accomplish.
I believe now is a good time to step back and reflect on how the year is going in all areas of life. Here are a few questions to help get started on evaluating the first half of the year. Are you comfortable with the financial decisions you have made? Have there been unexpected expenses? What has been your greatest success? What has been your biggest regret? Is there a relationship that needs more time or energy? All of these questions can help us evaluate where we are.
I heard the analogy used that if you want to figure out where you are going, you need to know where you currently are. So, as we look ahead to the second half of the year, I believe this exercise in evaluating the first half of the year and our current status is important in setting the course for the upcoming months. After reflecting on the past and where we are currently, I believe it’s important to use the information we have gathered to help determine where we want to go.
Life is full of change and unexpected events so even though we lay out our well thought plans, something is bound to happen that will cause us to adjust our original plan. If we don’t make course corrections, we will end up far from where we originally intended to go. As you consider the remaining six months of 2018 consider these questions: What would need to happen for you to say the second half of 2018 was successful? What conversations need to be had? Are there things you need to stop? Are there things you need to start or restart?
Intentional choices are not only related to our finances. As you consider your life spiritually, emotionally, relationally, financially, pick one thing to focus on in the next 2-6 months. After this is accomplished, find another target. As you make these deliberate choices, you will accomplish more than you expected and can have a greater impact in life.