Year of Vision
February 26, 2020by Ron Bare
As mentioned in our “Yearly Update Letter,” 2020 is Bare Wealth Advisors’ Year of Vision.
At the beginning of this year, I (Ron) set some time aside to get alone with God and to focus on HIS vision for 2020. As I did, something stirred in my heart. God helped me see that during the last two decades, He has been developing my influence… my voice… and my abilities to move towards solutions to some problems in our world. As I wrote down the vision I felt God gave me, I closed my laptop that day and was excited to begin taking steps towards accomplishing what God had just planted in my heart.
How about you? Have you taken time to get alone with God as this new year has begun? If not, I would encourage you to! I feel confident that as you desire to hear from and seek Him, He will begin to unfold a vision for you with the gifting’s He has developed in you.
Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. Some versions of this verse replace perish with “the people cast off restraint”. Several versions of Proverbs 29:18 actually replace the word vision with “revelation” or “divine guidance” which may give us a better picture of what this actually is. What this verse is saying is that without godly vision for your life, or revelation from God, we are left to perish or “run wild”. God’s revelation is His Word! At Bare Wealth, we have seen this to be true especially in the area of finance. Without using God’s wisdom given in His Word and without formulating a plan or vision for your finances, mistakes are more easily made. In addition, if there is no order or restraint –financial problems (too much debt, too little margin, very little impact, no contentment, etc.)– all begin to surface.
Aligning our “vision” or plans with God’s divine revelation is the ultimate goal. What we all need to ask ourselves to help us gain clarity in our vision is this question: What has God shown me and what will I do with what I have been given?
Many of us have been given much not only in the financial area of life, but also talents, relationships, education, experiences, time etc. Those who have been given much have a higher level of responsibility and accountability (Luke 12:48). With a focus on Vision in 2020, we hope to help each family we serve better answer the above questions and take steps to help you gain a clearer vision in your finances, relationships, and many other areas of your life – ultimately in your God given purpose. Here is what I believe will happen if we are successful managing our lives with a greater vision: we will have great impact, improved relationships, increased adventure and fun, and gain eternal rewards.