Tina Bare
Tina has always been a “behind-the-scenes” influence at Bare Wealth Advisors, but now she’s an official part of the team. Tina creatively communicates Bare’s mission, oversees brand implementation and events, and helps others grasp the vision of their stewardship story – creating a legacy for family and friends. “I love the excitement of knowing you are fulfilling your purpose for the Lord. That really happens when our clients get a glimpse of changing the culture through generosity. Whether that be our time, talent, or our treasure, there is a joy and an energy that develops as we give.”
Tina is married to Ron and has four children. They attend the Worship Center Church in Leola, PA.
COFFEE OR TEA: Both! Coffee every morning, but sometimes tea as a remembrance of “tea time” with my Mom and dear British grandmother.

Tina Bare
Marketing & Human Resources