Family Farm & Business Succession Seminar

Family Farm & Business Succession Seminar

Join us for a stewardship discussion around family farm & business SUCCESSion! We help our clients through the farm/business transition process to leave a legacy that honors family, minimizes taxes, provides enough for the exiting generation while still being affordable for the next generation.

Questions answered will include:

  • How do I determine the price of the business/farm and know if that’s enough?
  • How can I uniquely bless the non-business children?
  • How do I plan to manage the taxes when selling the business/farm?
  • Will the next steward ever be able to afford the purchase?

Date: March 4, 2025
Location: The Eden Resort,
Encore Room
222 Eden Road, Lancaster, PA 17601
Time: 7:30-9 a.m.

Breakfast Included

Register Today! Complete the form below to reserve your spot. Space is limited.

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Investment advice offered through Bare Wealth Advisors, a Registered Investment Advisor. Bare Wealth Advisors may only conduct business with residents of states in which it is properly registered.

Bare Wealth Advisors and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice; therefore it is important to coordinate with your tax or legal advisor regarding your specific situation.